Ghost Hunting Equipment List ► 25+ Items

Ghost Hunting Equipment List 25+

Ghost Hunting Gear You Can’t Miss for Ghost Party

Ghost hunting is investigating of haunted locations. In this post will discuss different ghost hunting gear / ghost hunting equipment one would find useful while doing a paranormal investigation. Use this list to compile your own ghost hunting equipment kit which fits your specific needs in the paranormal investigation.

Usually, a ghost “hunting party” includes 3-8 persons working as a team. They collect evidence of paranormal activity. They’re called ghost hunters and often utilize electronic equipment and devices of different types.

Normally this equipment many paranormal investigators use includes EMF (electromagnetic field) Meters, digital thermometers, infrared, and night vision cameras, normal video cameras, audio recorders, etc.

Despite centuries of interest, there is no scientifical evidence of the existence of ghosts. And maybe you’ll be the first team they will show you on paranormal television with solid evidences.

Before we start talking about equipment for your own paranormal investigation one should note that it is a lot more to paranormal investigation than devices on their own.

The most crucial asset in a paranormal investigation is the ghost investigator with his rationale, mind, and the power of observation. No fancy devices can take the place of a good judgment.

If a pioneering investigator Harry Price or Ed and Lorraine Warren (american paranormal investigators) had had a thermal imaging camera, he would certainly have been using one instead of a black string and powder.

Don’t forget about ghost hunter’s common sense in our days of high-tech, gadgets and scientific progress.

In the 30s of the 20th century when he investigated paranormal phenomena England’s Borley Rectory, Harry Price made a list of items for carrying in the typical ghost-hunter’s kit. They included…

List of things in ghost hunting kit

Most of the items in the tool kit can be purchased. Here you find a list of items that every ghost hunter should have during paranormal investigations. You are also recommended to buy tool bags for carrying your equipment.

This is the list of essential items of a typical ghost hunter’s kit separated into categories:

Creating content, making records and notes for paranormal investigation

Notebook and pen (recording notes, witness statements, and making diagrams)

Sketch pad and drawing pencils (for maps of location)

Measuring size and distance

Measuring tape

Power supply

Extra batteries

Source of the light

Flashlight, torch or torchlights.

Video, image and audio recording equipment for ghost hunting

Recording device. For interviewing and for EVP (electronic voice phenomenon)

Image and video camera (for documenting, paranormal investigation, and witness accounts)

Sensoring or detecting devices

Portable motion detectors

Communication equipment

Two-way radios, aka walkie talkies, formally known as a handheld transceivers is a critical part of ghost hunting gear. They allow the team to stay in touch, and avoid the electromagnetic interference of cell phones.

Small tool kit (some electronic devices require screwdrivers)

Now let’s deep dive into every section in our list.


Investigators worked for many years, getting great results, using only basic tools, camera, good instincts, intelligence, logic, and good detective work.

The most persuasive proof one can ever get comes from visual evidence. That’s why you should pay attention to getting the most of visual information.

The first ghosts caught on film were a fraud. That time cameras took time to produce a photo, and a one could come from behind, stay an instant, and then appear like a ghost on the photograph.

Most of the time, a camera captures what the human eye sees. Very seldom a paranormal investigator comes face to face with a ghost displaying itself physically. But when that happen, it would be a pity not having a camera to capture the moment.

But apart of what humans see, cameras pick up things that happen too quickly for the brain to process which makes it an ideal instrument for paranormal investigation. The better the device, there’s more chances it gets details we as humans may miss.

That chance increases if you have the option of using night vision. Or, you use a thermal imaging that captures heat and displays it as an image.

The best proof comes from the best cameras, and it costs money.

One of the advantages of using a conventional camera is obtaining a negative, which adds a level of credibility.

When developing a film, save money by obtaining the pictures on flash drive only. You will get the negatives in case you need later on.

One could say that digital cameras outperform traditional cameras in every way for an average user.

However, take this into consideration. The best film cameras were built before the digital age. They were created with the expectation that they will serve people for an exceptionally long time. The average film camera outlives its owner. For example, the Nikon FM shutter resource is 100,000 frames. You cannot shoot so much lifelong, even if you want to.

Of course, you can have both digital and traditional film cameras to get the best of both worlds.

Consider the DSLR camera to be in the vanguard of the paranormal investigation.

A few tips for picking up a camera for ghost hunting:

the newer cameras captures a wider range of the reality than the older ones;

digital even digs into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums. It sees things your eyes can’t and quicker than they can as well;

test how far out of visible light your camera goes with this trick: take a snapshot of your TV remote control while pressing a button on that remote. Ability to see the light bulb in the front light up in your snapshot means that your camera goes into infrared spectrum.

Use rechargeable batteries because digital cameras can also consume your budget because of the batteries. Don’t forget the batteries run dry quickly, especially if you play with zooming in and out.

Don’t use the camera as a video recording device. It is an added function and uses too much of the battery life. Use specialized video cameras to record the complete process.

A few people still record on analog video, but it’s difficult to see any advantage of this.

As digital photo cameras, video cameras work better than the human eye and can record things we don’t see, or our brain doesn’t have enough time to process.

As with photo cameras the quality of video cameras stops at a certain level even if you pay more. Then you pay for added features.

Don’t overspend on a camera if you are tight on budget and invest some money into microphones.

The ideal scenario is establishing one camera stationary and have another one to go mobile.

As we have already mentioned, purchase an external microphone for the video camera, or try to use the good quality mobile phone microphone as another parallel microphone out in the area. When you take the video into filmmaking computer application, you will have a separate audio track. Focus on it and try to research electronic voice phenomena or EVPs. For these purposes you’d better use specialized audio processing software.

Pictures are an excellent proof, but much of the evidence in terms of volume you may get in the field does not come from it.


As with cameras, the first order of business when choosing audio equipment is getting the right tool for the task.

Before purchasing the recorder, think of all the possible scenarios you might use it in.

The progress moves so fast that it is a good idea to check online stores often to see if prices have dropped or technologies have enhanced for a recorder.

There are three types of recorders over there which are commonly used:


These analog type recorders use micro audiotapes as a media. Purchasing a cheaper tape recorder for witness accounts and thoughts might be a good idea. You can use the micro recorder commonly used in classrooms.

Some investigators claim the older analog recorders yield a better sound quality.

Digital audio recorders

These small digital devices with no tape have excellent sound quality. Files from them can be uploaded to PC or Mac for further analysis and/or cleanup.

Using both tape and digital voice recorders (DVRs) is typical practice in ghost hunting. They are used to record interviews and to tape voice messages from the spirits during investigations.

Wireless microphones

The wireless microphones are used to record voice and audio directly to the hard drive of a computer. Most kits consist of a microphone, receiver, and transmitter.

Mike Markowicz, EVP researcher, uses minimum ten extra sensitive microphones connected to a computer to catch audio evidence from a haunted field. If you are a novice you would start from somewhere at around a few of them.

With modern technology, most microphones are still of high enough quality to do an analysis for EVPs.

Check out the capability to link to a computer or other equipment you might use, because they may have different types of connection.

The digital voice recorder is the must have of the ghost hunter. Look for one with decent sound quality and a capability to link to the external microphone.

Whichever model you opt for, an external microphone adds another level of clarity to the recordings.

Apart from quality, external microphone is away from the body of the device and will not record the internal noise of the recorder’s operations.

The true advantage, as well as expenses, of audio equipment are in the accessories.

This list of items will make your armory richer.

Audio and Electronic Voice Phenomena

EVPs are unexplained audio phenomena, which sometimes are heard as they are taking place. Most of the times they go unnoticed until the audio recording is played back during analysis. The EVP voices may often be recognizable, talking in regional dialects.

Some seem to work hard to pronounce the words out, as if speaking over distance. They may call investigator by name. That kind of experience is very exciting for researchers.

Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC)

A thrilling new experience in paranormal investigating is the ability to have real time conversations with the spirits using new and advanced technology.

The Ovilus and the Ghost Box

The debatable Ovilus is a speech-producing device that currently have great popularity. The gadget gained widespread popularity once being highlighted on a few paranormal TV shows, such as Ghost Adventures and Paranormal State.

The gadget’s electronic sensors detect changes in electromagnetic field. These changes brought together with other data produce a number which correlates with an internal database of words.  This creates words that are then uttered by the device.

There is a whole range of these devices, from the Ovilus I, II, III to Ovilus FX, Ovilus X, Paranormal Puck, Video Ovilus, the PX, and Talker.

They all feature a built-in EMF (electromagnetic field) meter with some of them having several LED lights for EMF indication.

Frank’s Box (AKA Ghost Box)

This gadget was invented by Frank Sumption in 2002. By scanning AM radio frequencies up and down the radio dial, Frank’s Box creates a white noise.

Although not intended as a tool for paranormal investigation (apparently the inventor believed the results to be too subjective), many investigators have become fascinated with the results they are getting.


Infrared Motion Detector

The list of equipment essentials for paranormal investigators includes Infrared motion detectors for several reasons. IR detectors can recognize people, detect a change in energy fields or even pick up changes in temperature.

Not only should your motion sensor be triggered by movement, it should be activated by temperature as well. Consider that when purchasing the device.

Spirits tend to move in and out of hotspots checking out the electronics people are using. Keeping track of an invisible guests lurking in and around your work area can be really useful.

Infrared motion detectors transmit a beam of light, and in the event that it is blocked by anything, an alarm goes off. These gadgets are pretty cheap also, and the features and functions aren’t much improved if you pay more.

Easily available on the market and inexpensive, these instruments can detect anomalies in a monitored zone.

Place the motion detectors where people are not going to be, and around the primary active area.

Having several sensors will allow you to cover multiple zones. They work best in a deserted building where they alarm of an approaching spirit or living beings.

THERMOMETERS and other temperature sensing devices

Temperature Reading Equipment

Keeping track of the ambient temperature in the active area is crucial. Many temperature sensors which act fast and precise are readily available on the market.

Reading ambient temperature

The first step researchers should do is recording of the background temperature of the site. Even a basic thermometer will do for that purpose.

This temperature measuring device should be separate from all other temperature-sensing devices, it has to be accurate and doesn’t need to be fast.

Reading rapid change in temperature

Apart from it we need the second unit for measuring rapid changes in the ambient temperature. A slight change of temperature, even of a few degrees, can easily be explained away, so measurement down to one-tenth of a degree is in excess. Rather, consider reaction time.

The best suitable device for this purpose is something that can pick up the readings by the means of an external probe. There are few on the market with some having metal probes extending from the meter, and others featuring softer, flexible probes.

Majority of them have a measuring unit of less than 1 1/2 inches, which is enough for measuring the rapid changes in the temperature when you look for cold spots.

Cold spots detection

Detecting cold spots and recording rapid temperature shifts is an important part of paranormal investigation. A sudden drop of temperature in a site may indicate that something is absorbing energy attempting to manifest in the physical world.

Poltergeist activity tends to be associated with cold spots.

A traveling cold spot can be tracked with such devices with an external probe because it reacts so fast. A useful working scenario is monitoring an area with a set of these temperature devices.

Another method of detecting cold spots is setting up the standard thermometer in the middle of the room and then the site should be swept with the IR thermometers. Any shift in temperature of more than 10 degrees should be recorded and analyzed for the possible reasons.

However, explanations for cold spots are just as readily available. Where amateurish ghost hunter jumps too quickly to conclusions, an experienced investigator looks for a draft first. The good practice for a preliminary research is always noticing where drafts might be coming from.

An infrared or laser thermometer is accurate, fast, and inexpensive

It’s an easy to use pistol-grip meter, featuring a laser pointer to read temperatures ranging from 0°F to 600°F at a distance safe for the user.

This device can be used to measure interior temperatures quickly in the areas, such as with hallways, rooms, basements, and attics.

A Remote Sensor Wireless Thermometer

Wireless technology and sensor modules are used in this type of thermometer. Place it in a remote area to be monitored. An alert will be triggered by a sudden change in temperature, and the temperature change will be detected.

Wired Digital Thermometer

This is a specialized high-tech thermometer used mainly for verifying temperatures read with infrared thermometers. It uses an exceptionally sensitive wire probe that is linked directly into a body of the device with a sensitive meter and a digital screen. The probe is then placed on the site of interest to display the temperature.


Thermal Imager. Infrared technology may hold the keys to achieving success in the investigation.

These cameras are designed so the user can see and analyze heat maps instantly on the spot. A thermal imaging camera is considered one of the most advanced, ultimate tools for paranormal investigation. They used to be probably one of the most expensive pieces of equipment. But now anybody with a budget of a couple of 100 of dollars can afford thermal infrared imaging camera which is connected to a smart phone. The most popular ones are InfiRay, Flir One, and Seek Thermal Compact.

With these compact devices available on the market, infrared thermal imaging became a technology available to everyone. It takes an investigation and ghost hunting to the next level.

Infrared thermal imaging allows you to see things that have different temperatures with different colors.

Looking for a cold spot and seeing it in the shape of a person in the thermal imaging camera when there is no one in front of you means something.

The price for high end standalone thermal imaging camera can run from a few hundred bucks for a good used model to thousands for an industrial model.

Night Vision Video Cameras

Modern handheld video cameras have every feature a paranormal investigator would want for his needs. They are a reasonable alternative to the super-expensive high end night vision devices because they are less expensive and often come with some kind of their own night vision technology.

Night Vision Equipment. But specialized quality night vision devices are robust and extraordinarily useful.

A torchlight isn’t needed anymore to light the way, which allows investigators to explore dark places safely and to be unnoticed.


Ion Detector

Air Ion Counter and the Radiation Detector or Geiger Counter

The air ion counter is used to detect both positive and negative ions. It measures the amount of positive or negative ions in the air.

Most of the ions are naturally present because of radioactive decay, lightning, or water turning into a gas form.

Although radiation may be present due to natural reasons, the equipment was designed to measure dangerous levels.

One may think of a spirit or ghost as a hiccup in normal energy. Measures of this kind of force in an environment can be acquired by all these meters.

Geiger Counter

These meters are tough, robust, portable, and powerful. They’re readily available on the market and affordable. These simple instruments detect changes in the number of negatively and positively charged ions on site at investigations.

The possible explanation is that spirits and ghosts ionize the air, and this meter discovers that change immediately.

Consider the meters designed specifically for ghost hunters. They have been constructed to provide the ghost investigator with what he needs. The major places where you can purchase one are the websites, such as and Paranormal Investigation Outfitters.

Here is a working scenario of how to use it. Put the meter somewhere close to the site of interest and try to use other pieces of equipment.

When another tool indicates that something has happened, take the meter and see if it’s reading has changed.

Remember though, one of the frequent mistakes many investigators make is focusing their attention on the readouts and ignoring what is taking place right in front of them.


Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Detector

These detectors are commonly used by investigators who claim they are very effective in spotting paranormal activity.

Indeed, it’s difficult to find a device so tied to paranormal investigators as the one used to measure the intangible electromagnetic field.

ghost hunting equipment electromagnetic field radiation
EM Radiation

Why It Works

Any electrically charged object has a magnetic field around it, the measure of which increases as the amount of energy increases.

Keeping track on that field in a location tells you the amount of energy there. When you notice sudden changes in a room with no obvious source, that is a site of interest. If spirits are pure energy without a physical form, they might be the source of the spike.

There is a hypothesis that strong dramatic events, such as a murder, or the tragic loss, may leave an electromagnetic field imprint in the nearby area. The human brain continuously emits minor electrical discharges that may be strong enough to cling themselves onto objects and things in the surrounding area. These imprints can be detected by EMF meters.

However, so far it remains unknown what electromagnetic fields and paranormal phenomena have in common for sure. Investigators first began using electronic devices as a method to detect paranormal activity as far back as in the 1970s.

The theories about ghosts causing disruptions in the magnetic field emerged. Nowadays, never designed to detect ghosts, Electromagnetic Field (EMF) detection devices are the most widely used gadgets in the field.

Abnormal readings on an EMF meter become more credible if they are supported by something else, like a cold spot, or with other equipment all at once.

EMF detectors are used to search for evidence of ghost paranormal activity as well as for ruling out artificial sources of electromagnetic field disturbance that may interfere with an investigation activity. They can certainly be affected by things that are not paranormal.

Most EMF detectors have been intended to measure in the range from 30 to 500 Hz.

They are calibrated at 50/60 Hz (depending on national standard), which is the standard frequency for household electromagnetic fields.

It is unclear whether paranormal energy is above or below this standard setting, which make the things complicated.

Basic EMF meters

Many basic EMF meters are available that have both analog and digital scales. Most basic devices range in price from about $40 to $100. These models do not have sensors on their sides, only in the front. This means that the electromagnetic field must be approached in one direction only to allow the meters to detect it.

That’s why gently move the EMF meter from side-to-side as when conducting a site investigation.

Normally, strong spikes are signs that you spotted an artificial energy source. In this case try to find an appliance, electrical outlet, or a hidden electrical line in the floor, in the wall, or in the ceiling.

EMF meters of this design are beginning models. They are not as sensitive as other meters, and can be difficult to use in indoor investigations. But they work well for investigating outdoor sites: cemeteries, historic sites, forests, etc. This is because not a lot in the way of interference occurs at these sites, and anything you spot with the meter will require a clarification.

With no artificial sources of electromagnetic fields, a basic EMF meter is one of the best detectors to use.

TriField EMF meter model TF2

TriField meters is produced by AlphaLab Inc. in Utah. It’s one of the most excellent EMF meters on the market and is far more sensitive than any other basic meters mentioned above.

This newer TF2 model has substituted TriField 100XE model. In one single body you’ll get an AC gaussmeter, AC electric field tester, and a radio power density meter.

Here is a quick link to check the properties.

Most intriguing for paranormal researcher, though, is the special frequency weighted mode that accurately scales the magnetic and electric measurements to indicate the full magnitude of currents produced by each type of field inside the human body.

TriField Natural EM meter

Tri-field meters read EMF energy, natural and manmade electric waves, as well as radio and microwaves.

The Natural EM meter was originally constructed to register changes in extremely weak DC fields.

They usually cost around 150-200 bucks for a standard model but can be priced as high as up to the thousands.

Despite it it is very sensitive, it may be easily damaged. Constructed to detect only what we would think as paranormal activity, it detects disturbances and spikes in magnetic, electrostatic, and radio/microwave energy.

TriField meter puts most of the guesswork out of analysis that might otherwise leave a researcher in doubt of their conclusions when using the Gauss, ELF, and ion detectors. It is simple to use and emits an audible signaling tone, valuable in dark zones.

This is probably the best most sensitive EMF meter on the market for paranormal investigation.

It detects only DC (direct current) or “natural” electrical and magnetic fields.

This is the type of field that is emitted by humans and all the living beings and presumably, by paranormal energy.

Despite its supremacy it can also be difficult to use by beginners.

It features both an analog scale and an audible signal that changes whenever a field alters from its preceding level. The instrument was also designed to ignore artificial alternating current (AC) fields that are produced by power sources, and this is the perfect reason why it is so popular with paranormal researchers.

The meter is extremely sensitive and registers the changes of as tiny as 0.5 percent of the strength of the earth’s magnetic field.

A higher-end tri-field EMF meter equipped with a red LED light so it can be read easily.

You know you’re a ghost hunter if you have ever brought an EMF detector to a relative’s funeral.

Jeff Belanger, paranormal writer and creator of

How to choose and when to use EMF detectors for ghost hunting

You can find an EMF detector for the price less than 20 dollars, but they only register extreme changes. You will not want to use it.

For 50 dollars, you can purchase the ghost hunter special, which might be a good start.

There are models of the meters that operate much longer, and it might be worth to buy the one of the more expensive meters, especially if it comes with some kind of an audio alarm or signal.

Remember that these meters also spot energy spikes from ordinary things, so don’t let them fool yourself.

Computers, radios, and fridges will make them go off in a house. Any common electrical device can trigger them. Outdoors, power lines can be spotted and read as ghosts, so pay attention to the things which are around you.

Here’s the list of equipment or objects which can give a false positive readings:

  • Dimmer switches
  • Not grounded or unshielded wiring
  • Microwave ovens
  • Mobile phones
  • FM, FRS, GRS, and CB radio transceivers
  • Air conditioners
  • TV, and LCD screens
  • Computers
  • Power lines within 100 yards, especially high-voltage towers and transformers
  • Fuse boxes

The basic EMF meters are perhaps most helpful at locations that are off the power grid and absent of neighboring sources of power or other emf disturbance.

RISEUP gives out this recommendation regarding Basic EMF meter usage:  “[The devices] should be limited to determining manmade sources of EMF fields and used in conjunction with a TriField Natural EM Meter set to ‘RF’ (radio frequency) to discern microwave signals from anything anomalous. If an unusual response comes from an EMF meter where there are no fields obviously present, the potential effects should be corroborated with other equipment at your disposal to see whether they are affected as well.

If you use cameras and are there recording equipment, it should not be placed near the zone where you detected EMF. It can interfere with the functioning of the equipment.

K2 EMF Meters

Sometimes one device may be better suited for a certain purpose than another. Available on the market K2 meters feature five LED lights signaling differently to different levels of EMF activity.

K2 EMF Meters
K2 EMF Meters

The Ghost Alert

EMF are always present around us and consist part of our lives. Electromagnetic fields surround us wherever we go. The Ghost Alert meter allows for this ambient field and will only signal when the EMF is above the certain threshold or is considerably higher comparing to normal.

The IR motion detector and two types of EMF detecting devices are in common use among paranormal investigation groups.

Gauss Meter

This meter features high sensitivity, ultra-short reaction time, wide range of detection, and audible signal.

A uni-axis Gauss meter device detects ghost activity within a range by indicating the “electromagnetic smog signature” which is created by such activity.

The reaction time is twice as short comparing to the closest alternative, the CellSensor.

Gauss Multidetector

The Gauss multidetector is also designed to find magnetic fields, but it measures electrostatic and magnetic fields separately featuring high accuracy.  This mid-priced meter is more sensitive than most alternatives.

EMF/Gauss Meter, ELF Meter

This meter measures electrostatic and magnetic fields with ultra-high sensitivity. Besides, it has a wide range and high accuracy. It features a frequency filter which allows to differentiate between frequency fields and monitor them separately. As a result, both very low frequency (VLF), radio frequency (RF), and extremely low frequency (ELF) can be read out individually.

David Rountree described their proper usage in his book, Paranormal Technology. This book is available on and reveals a lot of secrets valuable for any paranormal activity investigator.

The REM-Pod

The REM pod, or radiating electromagnetism pod

First highlighted on the television program Ghost Adventures, the device grew in popularity among different ghost hunter groups and enthusiasts. The REM-Pod is equipped with EM emitting antenna that detects energy disturbances and spikes around it. It indicates field fluctuation with multicolored LED lights and audio signals.

So, unlike other ghost-hunting devices it radiates its own electromagnetic field which helps to detect other sources of energy.

Because the REM pod functions like this, it can detect much more than other devices, which makes it easier for ghosts to use the tool to communicate.

The REM pod is able to detect a difference in EM field strength once a conductive material penetrates its own EM field.

Its antenna is telescopic and provides 360° coverage. That is it should detect anything that enters in its field, including paranormal energy.

Funny enough, the principle used is the same as of theremin device.

Theremin device

The REM pod is an excellent option to paranormal investigators who have skeptically reviewed the usage of conventional EMF meters. These reviews are the results of the fact that basic EMF meters (e.g., the K-II EMF meter) are unable to detect EM fields surrounding the human body, which, in turn, raises the questions of how useful they are in detecting a paranormal activity if they cannot detect a person.

The REM pod is free of this skepticism. It is being triggered by a human or an animal coming too close. That’s why it is reasonable to think that a spirit is also able to trigger the device.

EVP other recording equipment

There are also other devices being used in addition to recorders to try to get EVP.

You can try a radio tuned to the AM band to a frequency no one is transmitting on. Use it with headsets for better results.

Comms equipment

Handheld Transceivers / Walkie-Talkies / Two-Way Radios

Walkie-talkies are a good way to stay in touch in the field.

A mobile phone is good in ordinary circumstances or in case of emergency. For regular communication between investigators, you’d better use specialized tools devices.

Investing in walkie talkies is a good idea which helps to keep everyone in the field updated.

When normal speech is not possible, a hand-held communication device is a necessity for safe and responsible ghost hunting. Groups that are dispersed over the area need to be kept in the loop constantly to ensure their safety and coordination during the activity. Today’s hand-held transceivers have a 5- to 10-mile range and are able to transmit the signal through walls and obstacles maintaining the clear communication.

Flashlights, Torchlights, Spotlights, and Lanterns

During an investigation, seeing is key, and while most paranormal investigations take place at night, or in the darkness, having a torchlight, spotlight, or lantern is definitely a must.

Make sure you always have several different flashlights or other sources of light with you when you go on an investigation.

In the field, they’re the most likely to malfunction and are the reason why you need so many batteries and/or rechargeables. *Lots of extra batteries are essential.

Every investigator needs a flashlight for their work. Group members should have a red filter fitted to the lens or a red bulb, or lens to improve night vision. White light from a clear lens makes the area too bright to see properly with night vision equipment. The red-tinted light keeps night vision intact and eyes “fine-tuned” to lower light levels.

Spotlights and Headlights

Many groups buy headlights like those they use in mining industry.

You will appreciate a headband with small batteries-powered lights when you need your hands free to take snapshots, record video or read a map. These unobtrusive lights let you hold other pieces of equipment and other stuff and go around freely. Invest into a small one so you can check out equipment in the dark or at night or buy a small red LED light.

Apart of this, have a large flashlight, such as a Mag-Lite, that you can use in any situation where it is too dark to see clearly. It can also give you some protection in case you run into some trouble.

Our review would not be complete if we did not mention the shake flashlight. It is powered by a current you produce with your hands and is very handy in the circumstances all the batteries are drained out.

Lanterns / kerosene oil lamps

Kerosene lanterns are a source of light when flashlights die or can’t be used for other reasons. Of course they are more bulky and costly but they can be extremely useful.

Toolbox of a paranormal investigator

You can buy a specialized case available on the market to put all the equipment you use, but you might also consider getting yourself a good toolbox suited specifically to your needs. For $20-30, you can purchase a two-level toolbox large enough to place all the equipment inside. These boxes have small compartments in the lid for lesser objects, such as extra tapes (if you use such), adaptors, batteries, and wires.

Other equipment

These items are not in common use in the field by all researchers, but they can be quite helpful despite some of them being rather expensive. Most mid- and small-budget investigators cannot afford these. Nevertheless they should be mentioned.

Magnetic Field Sensor

These high-tech detectors can find and monitor the slightest shift in a magnetic field through computer software enhancement. They are so sensitive they can detect even the smallest change in Earth’s gravitational field.

Digital Thermal Hygrometer

This is a valuable tool to read temperature and humidity data. Experts say it is extremely useful, particularly when researching orb activity and defining whether an orb is paranormal or natural.

Headset Communications

Investigator groups may appreciate the headset communication systems which allow to stay in touch with one another. Team members can go hands-free, which can be a key when trying to work with other equipment or objects.

Closed-Circuit Television

With a closed-circuit TV with night vision capability (CUT/IR) you are able to monitor multiple areas and the same time without direct contact with any paranormal or ghost activity.

Such monitoring systems are extremely useful to paranormal researchers, but most groups cannot afford its cost.

If there is suspicion of the presence of inhuman entities or poltergeists, investigators may find this system well worth the cost.

The investigators may find this system worth buying if they suspect of an inhuman entity or poltergeist in some area but this area is out of the reach for full-fledged investigation.

Sound Level Meter

Good quality sound level meters are widely available on the market and are not very expensive. They are used by the teams in paranormal investigation activity to find extra low frequency (ELF) and extra high frequency (EHF) sounds.

It is useful to EVP-seekers because it is ultra sensitive and helpful when finding the quietest site to place external microphones of the recording devices.

Black / UV-A Light

This one is cheap and portable. A black, or UV-A light, is a noteworthy multiuse tool for paranormal investigators.  It emits long waved ultraviolet light.

You can use it to find airborne particles in the field in a room or building, and it helps differentiating true orb phenomena and natural airborne contaminants.

David Rountree gives this recommendation:

“We have been experimenting at S.P.I.R.I.T. for about six years with black light (UV). Specifically, we went to Home Depot, bought some of those aluminum reflector fixtures that take a standard light bulb, and clamp them onto a surface (such as a tripod that your camera is mounted on). These fixtures range in price from about $5 to $10 depending on the size of the reflector. Then we walked over to the light bulb section and purchased a ‘Party Bulb’ black light incandescent bulb that fits a standard light fixture. By ganging several together, we are able to light up a room. One will light up a field of view for a typical closed-circuit TV (CCTV) camera, and the best part is that your Hi-8, digital, or CCTV camera will see it as white light. Of course, it will print as black and white and not color, but it will be bright. You, on the other hand, will be stumbling around in near total darkness, so be careful! Oh and that party bulb? The cost is around $4 per bulb. This means for $9 you can assemble a light source equal in effectiveness to a single $65 IR fixture. This is certainly a way to make your investigative dollars travel further. But one must be careful. The ranges the cameras see into these spectrums is limited, so keep that in mind. UV light is also safe to use around precious works of art, versus a monochromatic flash or light source.”

Weather-Appropriate Gear and Clothing

Most ghost hunting groups in northern areas talk about the advantage of layering and wearing thermal underwear in the field in the colder days.

In the dark, at the end of the night, investigators are often lack of proper heat. The protection from the natural adversaries and bad weather conditions becomes paramount during overnight hunts.

Good comfortable waterproof shoes or sneakers are not a luxury but a necessity.

Remember to have clothing with lots of pockets to keep your ghost hunting equipment and stuff.

Many investigators invest into fishing vests and this is a good option, inexpensive and versatile.

Consider buying thermal blankets which should be at hand, along with thermal packs that can be stashed into pockets and gloves protecting your hands.

Low-Tech Ghost Hunting Equipment

Don’t underestimate simple low-tech tools which can be of a good use while being inexpensive and readily available on the market. Sometimes the simple solution is the best one, especially on a tight budget. Some of these tools can to some extent replace their high-priced cousins in the short-run. If batteries drain out and electronics fails, even the owners of high-tech advanced gear may become very happy having recalled they had taken the low-tech reserve.

Lighting Equipment and Source of Light

LED keychain lights hanging on a lanyard are always handy. In addition, they can be switched on for a hands-free manner of lighting the way under the feet at night or in the dark.

Lighted pens is another source of light. They have a small light allowing you to write in the darkness. If batteries powering the pen are being drained, use glow sticks which provide an easy and cheap alternative of flashlights.


The compass is almost certainly the most neglected yet reliable tool for paranormal investigation. It is a thing which can be found in almost any sporting goods store. It gives you basically the same functioning that a simple EMF detection device gives.

You only need to place the compass flat on the palm of the hand. Based on witness accounts, it begins to spin once it enters into a paranormal energy field or encounters a spirit.

This behavior of compass is quite consistent with high-tech devices reaction in the field. A spinning needle definitely indicates that something is happening in the vicinity.

The unpretentious compass is an extremely dependable electromagnetic field (EMF) low-tech sensor.

Nevertheless, it provides a reliable backup to the modern-day advanced high-tech but pricey electronic equipment.

Compass needles can be spinned around because of energies with a strong electromagnetic field that might be of a paranormal nature.

Adventure Paper / Waterproof Notebooks

The paper is waterproof and tear-resistant so that it can withstand difficult field conditions. You can buy it in outdoor outfitter stores as well as online. This product is originally produced by National Geographic, but there are also other manufacturers showing up. It works very decent for printing out anything that may be subject to the bad weather conditions: maps, instructions, field notes, directions, etc.

Watches / Clock

Analog conventional watches lack of batteries to drain out and should be wound to operate. A dependable timepiece is a must among the other equipment for keeping track of time spent in the field during the paranormal investigation. It helps to coordinate the group`s activity as well.

Dowsing Rods

A variety of dowsing methods have existed for centuries, possibly even for thousands of years. Although it’s unclear how dowsing works, its accuracy has been observed time and time again over the centuries.

Being the oldest form of divine knowledge acquiring, it has been used for a range of various reasons. With this method they searched for underground water sources, discovered the location of lucky places,  determined the sex of the unborn. The most common use of dowsing is to search for underground water.

Some dowsers recommend using two L-shaped rods made of brass or some other lightweight metal for finding ghosts. Some other prefer use of metal coat hangers. Use the material you think is the best for you.

Dowsing rods can be Y- or L-shaped twigs and not made of metal.

Walk in the field about the site and follow the direction the rods will lead you. They are supposed to indicate any energy they detect. Once you have uncovered the energy source, the rods cross, signifying that the area of interest has been discovered.

It’s not easy to master a skill of dowsing rods, even in ordinary conditions, let alone in the field. This practice is best used by individuals with proven dowsing ability.

Besides this list of basic items for a researcher, others may be helpful in some situations. Renowned ghost investigator Peter Underwood recommended a few items for a tool kit. They included adhesive tape, reels of black thread, wire, and twine.  These things can be used for sealing a room or windows off. Similarly, he added a collection of small nails, screws, tacks, a small hammer, screw-eyes, pliers, a penknife, luminous paint, a few magnifying glasses, a string gauge (for measuring the force necessary to open or close a door), and a scale to measuring the weight of any object that is presumably moved by paranormal activity.

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